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HomeBlogHow to Dose Edibles

How to Dose Edibles

Edible forms of cannabis come in a large variety, including lozenges, capsules and food products. When used in the proper dosage, cannabis is a powerful tool for treating a wide variety of conditions, and edibles are safe, long-lasting and effective. How can you properly dose edibles and ensure safe consumption?

The Right Dosage Varies

First, you should know that the exact dosage can vary from individual to individual. That’s why you should work with a trusted physician like Dr. Weng to review dosage instructions before ever consuming an edible. One person’s response to a specific amount of edible cannabis can be completely different than someone else’s. Why is that the case? A number of factors affect reaction to edibles, including past history of cannabis use, gastrointestinal factors, health issues and the sensitivity of your endocannabinoid system. Some patients are very sensitive to THC and have remarkable results with low doses, like 1 mg THC.

Know Your Edibles

Is CBD added to the THC in the edibles you are consuming? CBD can increase the medical benefits of cannabis while lowering side effects like impairment or elevated heart rate. By reducing the intoxicating effects of THC, many consumers experience all of the medical benefits of THC without as much impairment. Before consuming an edible, you should know the content of both CBD and THC in the edible, and the ratio of CBD to THC being used.  Edibles with a 1:1 ratio of CBD: THC are very therapeutic. When you dose edibles, pay attention to the ratio.

New to Edibles?

You should start with a low dose of THC, like 1-2.5 mg. It’s good to begin with edibles that can be held in the mouth and absorbed through oral blood vessels. Oils, lozenges, mints, gummies, cookies, chocolates and anything else that can be held in the mouth for 1-3 minutes are ideal.

Tips for Safely Consuming Edibles

Even if you have a wealth of experience, you might still encounter trouble when you dose edibles. Always follow the tips below:

Remember that it might take 2-3 separate doses before feeling anything if you are new to cannabis, so use the same low dose 3-5 times with 8-24 hours between doses before increasing your dosage.

If you don’t feel the effects of edibles, wait before consuming more. After an hour, try eating a small snack. Don’t take another any sooner than 2 hours after your last dose. 

For your customized edible dosing plan with guidance from Dr. Weng, make an appointment today.

Baltimore Progressive Compassionate Care is a medical office dedicated to providing patients with expert, comprehensive care. We offer our patients concierge medical services, wellness supplements and consultation, in addition to medical marijuana for eligible individuals. Experience an improved quality of life with Dr. Weng and Baltimore Progressive Compassionate Care.


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